2023 : International Showcase on Economic Empowerment for Person with Autism (ISEEPA 2023)

International Showcase on Economic Empowerment for Person with Autism (ISEEPA 2023) has successfully kickstarted the week-long celebration of “Karnival dan Pameran Sambutan Ulang Tahun Penubuhan UIS ke-28”.
The event started with keynote addresses by Professor Madya Dr. Hasnah Toran and Dr. Maszlee Malik, and was officiated by Minister of Health, YB Zaliha Mustafa. There was also a forum moderated by Pn. Farrah Adeeba with panellists such as Mr. Mohd Adli Yahya of Autism Cafe Project, Miss Pauline Wong of Malaysian CARE, Miss Syafika Pabir of Yayasan Gamuda, and Mr. Mohd Shafiq Badarulhisham as well as a roundtable discussion.
Heartfelt gratitude to NGOs that have collaborated with UIS such as Malaysian CARE, NASOM, Yayasan Gamuda, Autism Café Project and Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ilmu Khas. Hopefully, Dasar Inklusif UIS officiated by YBhg. Prof. Madya Dato’ Dr. Mohd Farid Ravi bin Abdullah will see people with autism being given more opportunities and equal treatment in the workforce as well as being acknowledged by the industries.

2022 : A Discussion Between IRCIEF and Philandure Regarding Autism Empowerment Project

IRCIEF has conducted two phases of research entitled “Development of Enabling Centre to Empower Autism People”. The 1st phase research was a benchmark study in Turkey and Singapore. The 2nd phase was a research conducted in collaboration with Pusat Pungutan Zakat-Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan and Philandure Sdn Bhd. This research involves the current initiative to empower person with Autism in Malaysia. In 2020, IRCIEF successfully produced an autism empowerment model and this led to a MoU with an NGO, Persatuan Cakna Filantrofi (PhilCare) to implement the model.