The Virtual Award Ceremony was held on Saturday, July 31, 2021 through the ZOOM application. The ceremony, which was held for the first time, was to celebrate the participants who had completed and passed the Certificate in Shariah for Banking and Finance (CSBF) course, organised by Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS).

Dr Latifa Bibi, the Director of the International Research Centre of Islamic Economics and Finance (IRCIEF), KUIS expressed her gratitude in organizing the CSBF course. “It is noteworthy to mention that Certificate in Shariah for Banking and Finance (CSBF) course is the first professional course organized by IRCIEF and KUIS, which was accredited by the Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA). Hopefully, with this reputation, CSBF will continue to flourish and attract more participants for enrolment in the future.”   

The ceremony witnessed a total of 24 award recipients for the first cohort of the course receiving their course certificates. They consist of students of higher learning institution, academics, executives, researchers and the public at large. Three of them, Encik Faris Murtadha Bin Fazial (CIMB Bank), Dr. Nur Sa’adah Binti Muhamad (UKM) and Ms. Raudha Binti Md Ramli (UiTM) were named as the recipients of the Best Participant Award with each receiving RM1,000, sponsored by the Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA).

Mr. Faris, one of the recipients of the Best Participant Award, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the course. “Thank you so much to KUIS, IRCIEF and its trainers for conducting the Certificate in Shariah for Banking and Finance (CSBF) course. I am truly grateful and honoured to be part of the first batch of this programme. Looking forward to numerous future Shariah scholars and bankers graduating from IRCIEF and CSBF.”

Apart from that, the event also witnessed the presentation of the Full Accreditation Certificate of the course to the Acting Rector of KUIS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah by the Chief Executive Officer of the FAA, Mr. Khairul Nizam. The FAA is a quality assurance and accreditation body supported by Bank Negara Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia) and the Securities Commission Malaysia.

Mr. Khairul Nizam also expressed his pride on the collaboration between FAA and IRCIEF. “We are extremely proud of our collaboration with IRCIEF and KUIS, especially on the accreditation of the Certificate in Shariah for Banking and Finance program. We are also extremely proud that this ceremony honored 24 participants of the program.“

The CSBF contains 11 modules related to Shariah and its application in Islamic Banking and Finance. The modules were delivered by leading experts from the Islamic Banking and Finance industry in Malaysia. This course, among others, aims to produce professionally qualified individuals in the Islamic Banking and Finance industry.